March 2024

i Sunday May 5, 2024 by


March 17, 2024


The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:03 pm.


Board Members Present: Rickey J, Josh S, Brian M, Gary B, Reed B, Michael H, Mark W


Board Members Absent: Pat F, Kay


Guests: Trevor, Adam


Secretary's Report:


February Minutes were e-mailed, with no adds or edits recommended. Brian made a motion to approve, and Rickey seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Josh reported on the February Financial Documents (Donation Summaries, Profit & Loss Statements, and Balance Sheets). Net profit of $185 for February. We are not passing Gopher State donations directly through account, but are reporting on them under petty cash. Funds moved to CD were finalized on March 1st and will be reflected on next month’s balance sheet. Reed motioned to approve February financials.

Rickey seconded motion.  Motion approved.


Josh reported that there has been no response yet from the IRS on Non-Profit filing status. Thus, no ability to start electronic payment option for members until we receive approval. Expected to hear from IRS by mid-March. Action: If no response within next week, Josh will follow-up.


Committee Reports:


Literature & Medallions: Mark W reported. We have paperback Big Books available. Mark has taken down pricing list and will update.

Facilities Maintenance: Michael reported - No current issues. Thermostat cover has been replaced. Josh purchased a smoker’s oasis to clean the area up for smokers. Sinks are being de-clogged.

Publications & Public Relations: Brian reported… new issues reported. Brian is reviewing our website content and working with Gary to update. Action: Board members should review site and email any

suggestions to Brian.  One correction needed on Wednesday AM meeting (back to in-person).  Summer

picnic has been booked by Brian (Eagan resident) for Saturday, August 10th. Josh/Mark to contact Susan regarding meeting cards, vendor used, and process for getting more printed.

Supplies: Pat was absent.  No supplies needed.

House Security: Kay was not present - no report.


Old Business:

Carpet in Main Meeting Room: Agreed to clean carpet, rather than replace with flooring. Josh to lead getting 2-3 estimates by April, to clean in the Spring.

Thermostat: Michael replaced the locked cover for the thermostat. The thermostat itself does not need to be replaced; however, it will be re-programmed to heat more efficiently based on meeting schedule. Josh will look at programming on thermostat and make adjustments, as needed.


New Business:


Gopher State Hospitality Suite: Agreement to rent 7 chairs, 3 tables, and leave the two beds in the room. Motion to approve made by Josh. Seconded by Mark. Motion approved. We are buying sandwiches and chips, and getting donuts, number based on amount of money we raise.                                                 



Action: Rickey to forward volunteer sign-up sheets to Josh/Trevor.


4th Step Workshop: Discussion around format of workshop. Two-day workshop (two four-hour sessions) that consisted of reviewing approximately 20 pages of the Big Book in Chapters 3-4. Feedback from participants was that they had a different understanding/expectations that they would begin working through their personal inventories. Action: Invite Chris to next Board Meeting to discuss format on

workshops going forward, and what additional help he needs.


Gopher State Committee Update: Kay reported that aprox. $400 has been collected for Gopher State to this point. Plan is to do donuts in the morning, and a sandwich shop in the afternoon at the suite that the Dakota Alano House is hosting.


Church contacted Rickey. Property that the White House sits on is under discussion again. Further updates and discussion to follow when more is known.


Board Member or Visitor Questions/Concerns:


Trevor reported from the General Services Representative Workshop. Sponsorship workshop coming up in Rosemount on March 30th. Information is available on the communications board at the White House.


The 5th Edition of the Big Book is currently under review and may be published soon. Copies of Cliffs Notes are floating around.


Mail for each meeting group is not being picked up. Reminders to all trusted servants to check the mailboxes!


Motion to Adjourn made by Reed. Seconded by Mark. Approved. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 5:57 PM.