April 21, 2024
The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:03 pm.
Board Members Present: Josh S, Brian M, Gary B, Reed B, Mark W, Pat F, Kay
Board Members Absent: Rickey J, Michael
Guests: Trevor, Christopher, Jeff B., Paul, Becky, Yashwin, Adam
Secretary's Report:
March Minutes were e-mailed, with no adds or edits recommended. Pat made a motion to approve, and Josh seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Josh reported on the March Financial Documents (Donation Summaries, Profit & Loss Statements, and
Balance Sheets). Ahead of budget by $2,100 for fiscal six months. Net loss of $237 for March, primarily due to purchase of smoker’s outpost. Funds moved to CD were finalized on March 1st and have already yielded more interest than we saw for the entire fiscal year 2023. Reed motioned to approve March financials. Pat seconded motion. Motion approved.
Josh reported that there has been no response yet from the IRS on Non-Profit filing status. Thus, no ability to start electronic payment option for members until we receive approval. Expected to hear from IRS by mid-March. Action: Josh will follow-up with phone call to IRS.
Committee Reports:
Literature & Medallions: Mark W reported. Mark has taken down pricing list and is in process of updating. Board agreed not to replenish the “seldom used” books, and to reduce price of those to $5.00 to try to get rid of them. Pat motioned to sell the books at $5.00. Josh seconded. Motion approved.
Facilities Maintenance: Michael was absent. Mice issue reported in furnace room in basement. Recommendation to clean it up and address the mouse problem. Action: Michael to clean it up. Rickey to contact Pastor Tom to recommend we get a service in to treat the mice.
Publications & Public Relations: Brian reported. Brian is reviewing our website content and working with Gary to update. Current board members updated, summer picnic info being updated. Board agreed to hold off on ordering new meeting cards, given possible move to the Church for meetings in 2025.
Supplies: Pat reported. No supplies needed. Inventory has been stocked. Pat will be out for a month beginning in early May. Kay will back up in his absence.
House Security: Kay reported - no issues.
Old Business:
Carpet in Main Meeting Room: Agreed to hold off considering pending move to church.
Gopher State: Becky reported. Confirmed that Josh will purchase beverages and other “non-food” items that the Board will fund. Trevor will help with transporting them to the hotel. Becky will purchase food items with funds raised (coordinate with Josh to have funds available to purchase). On track (around
$1,400 currently) toward a goal of $1,500-$2,000.
New Business:
4th Step Workshop: The worksheets that Christopher uses in his 4th Step Workshop follow the Big Book directly, in terms of format, whereas the worksheets used in many of the other 4th Step workshops (ie.
Bloomington), follow the “Joe and Charlie” format. Ultimate goal is to run these workshops for 7 weeks and allow for homework (completing the sheets) during the course of the workshop. The content can be found at aabythebook.org. Tentatively planning another workshop in May-June timeframe. Action: Board to review content and have follow-up with Christopher if there are recommended changes.
DAS /White House Status: Reed reviewed discussion that was held with Pastor Tom. Proposal to move to Mount Calvary. Pat raised issue of theft and security system, and associated concerns. A few board members recommended we evaluate other locations, as well. Christopher reminded the Board that we
have a model, where we moved all meetings to the Church approximately 7 years ago, and it worked well. Discussed concern of religious aspect of moving to a church for meetings. Recommendation of forming a committee. Proposed idea of general membership meeting to communicate the change.
Action: Reed/Brian develop basic communication to get to Trusted Servants to read at each meeting. Message to be reviewed by Board, and will be out in the next few days.
Board Member or Visitor Questions/Concerns:
Motion to Adjourn made by Pat. Seconded by Brian. Approved. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 6:04 PM.
Follow up:
Action: Josh will follow-up with phone call to IRS regarding our non profit filing status.
Action: Michael to clean up mess that mice have caused in the basement. Rickey to contact Pastor Tom to recommend we get a service in to treat the mice.
Action: Board to review content at aabythebook.org and have follow-up with Christopher if there are recommended changes.
Action: Reed/Brian develop basic communication to get to Trusted Servants to read at each meeting. Message to be reviewed by Board, and will be out in the next few days.