January 21, 2024
The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:02 pm.
Board Members Present: Rickey J, Mark W, Josh S, Kay, Brian M, Gary B, Reed B, Pat F
Board Members Absent: Michael H
Guests: Adam, Becky, Christopher
Secretary's Report:
December Minutes were e-mailed, and one minor correction was recommended and made. Gary made a motion to approve, and Pat seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Josh reported on the December Financial Documents (Donation Summaries, Profit & Loss Statements, and Balance Sheets). Fiscal year runs October-September. Josh reconciled Wells Fargo account, with a net write-off of $90.99. Net loss of $68 for December. Overall, for Q4, we were better than budget by $764. Reed motioned to approve December financials. Pat seconded motion. Motion approved.
Josh reported that there has been no response yet from the IRS on Non-Profit filing status. Thus, no ability to start electronic payment option for members until we receive approval. Expected to hear from IRS by mid-March.
Committee Reports:
Literature & Medallions: Mark W reported….he replenished copies of Big Books. Mark to update literature pricing list before February meeting.
Facilities Maintenance: Michael was not present at the meeting, so no report. No hot water reported in Kitchen or significant delays. Sinks are also backing up. Need to look at water heater and check the piping under the sinks. Action: Reed to contact Michael. Michael is out of town, but will address upon his return on Jan. 23rd. Reminder to all Trusted Servants to clean up after meetings. Action: Brian will get message to all trusted servants in their mailboxes.
Publications & Public Relations: Brian reported…..no new issues reported. Brian will review our website content and work with Gary to update.
Supplies: Pat reported…he will be replenishing all supplies. Will make it more clear to all members where the supply closet is located. Continue to place requests on the White Board in the kitchen. Josh will label/organize Supply Closet. Pat will be out for 6-8 weeks in late January/February. Kay has agreed to manage supplies in Pat’s absence.
House Security: Kay reported.….no updates.
Old Business:
Carpet in Main Meeting Room: Voted to clean carpet, rather than replace with flooring. Motion passed 8-0. Josh to lead getting estimates by April, to clean in the Spring.
Thermostat: Action - Michael will replace the locked cover for the thermostat. The thermostat itself does not need to be replaced; however, it will be re-programmed to heat more efficiently based on meeting schedule.
New Business:
Rickey will be out for 6 weeks beginning February 13th. Mark will step in as President during Rickey’s absence.
TracPhone Coverage: Gary will take over phone coverage during Rickey’s absence over the next couple of months. Action: Gary will research tying to someone’s individual phone line, and/or more cost-effective options.
Josh proposed alternative investment strategies for funds. Our Wells Fargo savings is in a very low interest rate account currently. Action: Josh will come to February meeting with proposal for investment strategies. Will investigate options such as Live Oak, Raisin, etc
Gopher State Coordinator: Seeking new Coordinator for 2024. Becky volunteered to serve as Gopher State Coordinator for 2024. Motion was made by Rickey to vote for Becky as Coordinator. Mark seconded. Motion approved 8-0. Framework for 2024 Gopher State Budget approved in December Board Meeting, during the Financials discussion ($1,100 in DAS funds to cover room, registration; funds will need to be raised for food).
Board Member or Visitor Questions/Concerns:
Christopher was approached by several attendees at the House and others in the community to host a 4th Step Workshop over a weekend in March. Seeking approval to use the Church for the workshop, sponsored by DAS. Christopher has asked to lead the workshop. He has 11 years of experience leading a 4th Step Workshop at the 2218 House. Any funds raised will be donated to the House. Motion to approve made by Gary. Seconded by Brian. Motion approved 8-0.
Motion to Adjourn made by Rickey. Seconded by Reed. Approved.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 5:59 PM.