February 18, 2024
The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:11 pm.
Board Members Present: Josh S, Kay, Brian M, Gary B, Reed B, Michael H
Board Members Absent: Rickey J, Mark W, Pat F
Guests: Adam
Secretary's Report:
January Minutes were e-mailed, with no adds or edits recommended. Kay made a motion to approve, and Gary seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Josh reported on the January Financial Documents (Donation Summaries, Profit & Loss Statements, and Balance Sheets). Net profit of $537 for January. Utilities expenses were down a bit due to the lighter winter so far. Reed motioned to approve January financials. Brian seconded motion. Motion approved.
Josh reported that there has been no response yet from the IRS on Non-Profit filing status. Thus, no ability to start electronic payment option for members until we receive approval. Expected to hear from IRS by mid-March.
Committee Reports:
Literature & Medallions: Mark W was not here. We are in need of Big Books again. Action: Mark to order more Big Books.
Facilities Maintenance: Michael reported - No current issues.
Publications & Public Relations: Brian reported…..no new issues reported. Brian cleaned up bulletin board and organized it better. Brian will review our website content and work with Gary to update. One correction needed on Wednesday AM meeting (back to in-person). Summer picnic has been booked by Brian (Eagan resident) for Saturday, August 10th.
Supplies: Pat was absent. Kay has agreed to manage supplies in Pat’s absence. Kay will re-stock Kleenex. Everything else is stocked.
House Security: Kay reported.….no updates
Old Business:
Carpet in Main Meeting Room: Agreed to clean carpet, rather than replace with flooring. Josh to lead getting estimates by March, to clean in the Spring.
Thermostat: Action - Michael will replace the locked cover for the thermostat. The thermostat itself does not need to be replaced; however, it will be re-programmed to heat more efficiently based on meeting schedule. Michael has purchased it, and will replace the thermostat cover in next 2 weeks.
New Business:
Alternative Investment Strategies: Josh provided written proposal to shift funds to higher yield accounts. Move approx. 2/3 of savings into 6-month Live Oak Bank CD at a 5.10% APY, approx. 10% into Wells Checking account to maintain fluidity, and approx. 25% of funds into Live Oak Savings account at 4.00% APY. Projected net income gain of approx. $680 over 6-month period. Estimated net income gain of $5,500 over a 5-year period. Recommendation is to continue to renew CD’s every 6 months indefinitely, unless motioned otherwise at a future time by the Board. Reed motioned to approve. Kay seconded motion. Approved by a vote of 6-0.
4th Step Workshop: Reed discussed requirement of Church for 2 items needed to host the 4th Step Workshop on March 2nd-3rd. Josh reaching out to Christopher to confirm (1) signing liability agreement, and (2) cutting check for $200 to cover cost of rental of the Church for the two days.
Gopher State Committee Update: Kay reported that aprox. $400 has been collected for Gopher State to this point. Plan is to do donuts in the morning, and a sandwich shop in the afternoon at the suite that the Dakota Alano House is hosting.
Board Member or Visitor Questions/Concerns:
Motion to Adjourn made by Brian. Seconded by Josh. Approved.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 5:47 PM.