May 17, 2020
The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:02 pm. Introductions were made and the Twelve Traditions were read by Jerry H.
Board members present: Jean D., Sarah C., Daren G., Pat B., John F., Jerry H., Paul T., and Martha D.
Board members absent: Noah D.
Guests: Dan W., Sheryl W.
Secretary's Report: Martha reported that after sending out via email the April Board Meeting minutes and May Special Board Meeting minutes, she did not receive any modifications or corrections. John made a motion to approve the April Board Meeting minutes. Jean seconded the motion and the motion passed. Jean made a motion to approve the May 3rd Special Board Meeting Minutes. Daren seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Treasurer's Report: Sarah C. had sent out via email the April 2020 Meeting Donation Summary, Profit & Loss Statement, and Balance Sheet. No questions or concerns raised.
Martha made a motion to approve the April financial documents. John seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Visitor Questions and Concerns: Sheryl asked about the Board’s role in individual meetings. She and Dan are leading online meetings that have many Alano member attendees. She said they don’t want to conflict with any in-person meetings that occur at the Alano when it re-opens. She said they continue to be willing to host online meetings on an ongoing basis for those who maybe are not ready to return. The Board expressed appreciation for the service being provided. It was reiterated that the online meetings being hosted by Dan and Sheryl aren’t allied with the Dakota Alano itself. The Board has no issue with online meetings being hosted alongside in-person meetings as they return.
Committee Reports:
Literature & Medallions: Daren said no report.
Facilities Maintenance: Pat said he plans to check on whether cigarette butts have again accumulated outside. Daren asked if there’s any concern with the Alano getting too hot (no).
Publications & Public Relations: John noted that he had coordinated with Hilary S. who organizes the website. John offered to do the newsletter; perhaps something that could be posted on the website. Martha opined that not sure many members look at the website; can ask Hilary S. (who is administrator of the website) for site traffic information. Dan said people are clicking on his site via our website.
Supplies: Paul mentioned he knows where he can obtain PPE.
House Security: Jerry mentioned he was in the Alano last week and did not see any evidence of people trespassing in the building.
Old Business:
COVID-19: Jerry mentioned usefulness of potentially having a Trusted Servants meeting. Purpose of reaching out to Trusted Servants would be to keep them informed, assess their willingness to chair in-person meetings. Daren reminded that re: opening the Alano; it’s straightforward in that we have to follow what the State says in terms of precautions and guidelines. Individuals will have to decide what they feel comfortable doing once the State says groups of more than 10 can gather. Daren said we will have to be clear that we cannot guarantee anyone’s safety. They can take their own precautions and attend, as they wish. Until the State gives the okay, we can’t defy state mandate. Then it’s up to each group. Paul said he agrees we’re being responsible to adhere to the State and public health suggestions. He said the Saturday meeting is doing well meeting outside. Pat wondered if passing a basket is passing around germs. Jean said we should acquire supplies for cleaning so they are on hand when House is able to open again. Pat asked if we should have porta john on site. Jerry said we’re not trying to encourage attendance at outdoor meetings against the State’s order to not have gatherings over 10 people. John opined that we should not be having meetings at the House right now at all; shouldn’t encourage it, current Order is to not have gatherings over 10 people. Sheryl noted that re: having hand sanitizer and so forth, her experience at the US Bank is that it gets stolen. Sheryl recalls that the Church had said no to porta potty in the past. Also, Church in past has not wanted the Alano to have outside events. Daren suggests we just wait until Alano can open and inside bathroom can be used. Plus porta potty likely is $200-300/month. Daren suggested we come up with plan of what bare minimum is for on-hand supplies. Jean said we need disinfectant for wiping down tables, hand sanitizer, proper type of soap, and paper towels. Jean said some meetings have laminated How it Works so it can be wiped down. Jean suggested that people supply their own masks. Jerry mentioned that at his worksite , large supply order was confiscated due to FEMA. Daren said reach out to members – if you want us to open, here is what we need: help us obtain the minimum we need to open the door. Board would reimburse. John suggested we order from Amazon, even if it takes a month or so to receive. Daren reviewed we are in agreement that we aren’t supplying masks and gloves. Jerry made a motion that we stay closed. John seconded the motion and the motion passed. Paul said his worksite just received a large amount of disinfectant – he will check to see where it came from. Sheryl said restaurant supply might be good source – they might have supplies they can sell since their buyers aren’t purchasing. Jean suggested we again continue individually to look when we are out.
Summer Picnic: Jerry said he believes City of Eagan would work with us to perhaps push back into August or September. He will check.
Wells Fargo credit card: Jerry spoke with them about visa card; there is hold up on bank’s end; banker believes possibly due to other matters bank is dealing with. Jerry will check again when we can receive it.
New Business: none.
The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer at 6:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha D