March 2021

i Wednesday June 23, 2021 by



March 21, 2021 


The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:04 pm.  Introductions were made and the Twelve Traditions were read by Jean D.


Board members present: Daren G., Pat B., Martha D., Noah D., John F, Joe H. and Jean D.


Board members absent:  Sean M. (due to Board mix up), Jim M. 


Guests: none


Secretary's Report:  Martha noted that the February Board Meeting minutes had been distributed via email and no necessary corrections had been noted.  Jean motioned to approve the February minutes.  John seconded the motion and the motion passed.


Treasurer's Report:  Jean reviewed the financial documents that had been emailed by Jerry H (February Meeting Donation Summaries, Profit & Loss Statements, Balance Sheets and Wells Fargo banking statements).  Jean noted that the February deposit did not go in until March 1st (causing what appears to be a negative balance, but it will be reflected in the March financial statements).  Also, the earlier discrepancy question from last month’s financial documents was resolved (January financial documents were correct as shown to the Board last month). Noah made a motion to approve the January financial documents.  Martha seconded, and the motion passed.  Noah made a motion to approve the February financial documents. John seconded, and the motion passed.


Visitor Questions and Concerns:  none



Committee Reports: 


Literature & Medallions:  Noah reported no current purchasing needs noted; will continue to assess.


Facilities Maintenance:  Pat reported a large jug of sanitizer leaked in the closet.  


Publications & Public Relations:  John reported nothing to update.


Supplies: Joe reported supplies are in good shape.


House Security:  Sean not present. 



Old Business:


Insurance:   The Board briefly considered last month’s insurance proposal from guest Bill Butler (Butler & Associates Insurance Agency in Apple Valley). Noah made a motion to move forward with purchasing Liability, Theft, and Officers & Directors’ insurance from Butler & Associates. Jean seconded the motion and the motion passed.  Martha will let Bill Butler know.


Donation via website: tabled until next month since Jim is not present.


Keys:  Martha will talk to trusted servants of meetings not currently meeting and ask for keys back.  John noted that he has an extra door key.  He will put it in the literature cabinet and Jean or Martha will retrieve.   After we retrieve any extra keys, we can determine if we need to have more made.


Cleaning:  Board will get together a group of volunteers to clean. Sat April 3rd at noon.


COVID-19:  The Board reviewed current State guidelines, with some recent easing of restrictions to determine if groups can restart coffee making.  State guidelines regarding Re food safety and dining in places of worship (closest fit to what purpose the Alano serves) allows for 100% occupancy (as long as 6’ distance can be maintained) and no serving of food or beverage, except in ritual use.


Candles:  One or more groups have been using candles in the House.  Daren will find out from Church if they have a policy that addresses whether this allowed.  John suggested we could also designate one meeting a candlelight meeting. Jean mentioned that we could get candles that are flameless.  


Changing Board Meeting time:  Noah suggested Board consideration of revising what time the Board meetings occur.  Will put on next month’s agenda.


The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer at 6:02 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha D