March 2020 Emergency Board Meeting

i Monday April 20, 2020 by


EMERGENCY BOARD MEETING via electronic conference

March 21, 2020


Board Members Present: Pat B., Martha D., Daren G., Jerry H., John F., Paul T., Jean D., Noah D.


Board Members Absent: Sarah C.


Advisory Board Members Present: Susan H


Per the Dakota Alano Society Incorporated’s Operations Journal, the business discussed at this meeting will be presented at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting (April 19, 2020).


Due to the COVID-19 virus and consequent national & state public health recommendations to maintain “social distance” of 6 feet between persons, the Board discussed whether the Alano can continue to operate as usual.  The Board discussed whether the size of the Alano’s rooms allow for 6 feet between members and also discussed the ability of the common surfaces to frequently be disinfected.  Because neither of these items are feasible, the Board decided to close the Alano effective 6pm today.  The date for re-opening will be determined at a later time.


Although groups at the Alano conduct business independently, Tradition Four says that, “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups, or A.A. as a whole.”  Also, the Dakota Alano Society’s Bylaws indicate that the Board has the authority to make decisions regarding the facility itself.