December 2018

i Monday December 31, 2018 by



DECEMBER 16, 2018



The Board Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 5:58 pm.  Introductions were made and the Twelve Traditions were read by Andrea M.


Board members present: John S., Andrea M., Jerry H., Martha D., Dalles J., Daren G., Brad J., Sarah C.


Board members absent: None


Guests: Susan, John, Adam, Tom


Secretary's Report:  Martha reported that she had received no corrections to the November minutes distributed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes. Paul seconded the motion and the motion passed.  Martha will post the November minutes on the Alano bulletin board, as well as submit to the website administrator. 


Treasurer's Report:  Jerry reviewed the November 2018 Meeting Donation Summary, Profit & Loss Statement, and Balance Sheet. He noted that he had received the first donation from the 4pm Friday meeting. He will need to add it into the Meeting Donation report ongoing. Also noted is that the "Pledges" amount reflects the pledged amount; not the received amount. Jerry suggested we look at the Certificates of Deposits currently at Wells Fargo and determine if a different financial institution would generate higher interest rate. He will look into this.  Sarah suggested that "internet" on Profit & Loss Statement be changed to "website".  Daren asked why we have such high reserve in savings and checking and whether it should be moved into interest-generating CD.  Dalles asked what the minimum checking/savings amounts required are; Sarah opined it's about $500.  Paul asked if overall DAS Inc. revenue is steadily decreasing. Jerry said last year ended with negative $200-300 balance. John mentioned difference may be due to not having done a pledge drive last few years, which could account for difference. Sarah made a motion to accept the November financial statements. Andrea seconded the motion and the motion passed.  



Visitor Questions and Concerns:



Committee Reports:


Literature & Medallions (Andrea M):  Andrea said there was nothing new to report.  Dalles asked how medallions for meetings are acquired; variety of ideas presented (going through the Board, ordering online, ebay, etc).


Facilities Maintenance (Dalles J):  Dalles purchased a water filter for the coffee pot (and put notice when it needs to be changed next), batteries for the clock, furnace filters, Febreze.  He also showed the Board the paint colors he and his volunteer crew had selected for each room of the House. He will be purchasing paint in the next 2-3 weeks. John suggested semi-gloss for easy cleaning. Dalles noted that the Sun 8pm group is offering to volunteer paint. John suggested putting up volunteer sign up sheet in kitchen.


Publications & Public Relations (Paul):  Paul reported that website was down temporarily, but fine now. John will add the 4pm Friday night meeting to the list of meetings on the website. Tom noted that the 6:30pm Sunday meeting is not on the Minneapolis Intergroup list; he will call and ask that it be added.  Susan asked for ideas for January website.  Dalles said Sun 8pm is changing format; to "Speaker/Big Book-first 164 pages" Susan will include.  Paul mentioned that announcing upcoming metro speakers would be nice; asked if Intergroup regularly posts this.


Supplies (Daren G):  Daren said he will get white board; will also inventory and purchase additional supplies as needed.


House Security (Brad J): Brad reported no issues.


Old Business:


Oil painting of House: John sent out a thank you card to Carrie C to thank you for painting.


New Year's Eve Party: John noted that he will talk to 6pm Monday meeting group. Last year  the 6pm and 8pm meeting were held upstairs so party could start. Paul noted he's been announcing the party at meetings. John emailed Nadyne at the Church and received permission for late close time.


Trusted Servants and Alternates pdf:  Brad will compile list of people who are interested in being alternates for trusted servants and will email to John.  John will be sure it is put on the website.


Pop Machine parts/repair:  Still waiting for parts to arrive. 


Memorial Board: Jerry mentioned that the Thur night men's meeting has compiled a list of names and gathered funds so engravings can begin.



New Business:


Water softener: Dalles presented pros/cons of whether or not a water softener would be advantageous to House to protect sinks from hard water damage, rubber seals, toilets, coffee machine.  Used machine would be roughly $1K.  Dalles estimates it would use approximately one bag of softener salt per month.   John can let Nadyne know this is being considered and find out if Church has concerns.  Daren asked that next month we look at comparative numbers to see what is advantageous financially long term. Dalles will bring comparative numbers next month for further consideration.  Brad asked if this is for the Board to decide, or if Church would make this decision.


Motion to Close:

A motion to close the meeting was made by Sarah. Andrea seconded the motion and the motion passed. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer at 6:39 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha D