February 2015 Minutes

i Tuesday March 17, 2015 by Web Admin



February 15, 2015



The meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 6:02 pm.  Introductions were made and the Twelve Traditions were read by Dan W.


Board Members Present:  Lonnie L, Dan W, Martha D, Lee G, Mike F, Rusty S, Michon P


Board Members Absent: Mary Jo C, Mark L


Guests: Rob M, Julie O


Secretary’s Report:  Martha reported that no proposed corrections or additions were suggested after Board Members received the draft January Board Meeting minutes last week.    Michon made a motion to accept the January Board Meeting minutes.  Dan seconded the motion and the motion passed. 


Treasurer’s Report: Mike reviewed the January 2015 Meeting Donation Summary, Profit & Loss Statement, and Balance Sheet.   Dan made a motion to accept the January financial documents.  Lee seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Visitor Questions and Concerns:



Squad Leader Reports:



Committee Reports:

Literature& Medallions (Mary Jo C):  No report.


Facilities Maintenance (Rusty S):  Rusty reported that he painted the trim around the door.


Publications& Public Relations (Dan W):  Dan mentioned that the Squad Leader tab has not yet been added to the website, but he will follow up.


Supplies (Michon P):  Supplies are up to date.


House Security (Lee G):  Lee reported no concerns.  He received the updated contact list from Lonnie from the January Quarterly Squad Leaders' Meeting.


Archives (Martha D): No report.


Old Business:

Lonnie reported that he will be meeting with the church pastor the first week of March.  He asked that Board Members forward to him any suggestions for topics to cover in that meeting. 


Rob mentioned that if the steps are potentially addressed as one improvement, it might be good time to re-address handicap accessible entry way.


New Business:

Pledge drive - Julie O provided an overview of what has occurred in the past in terms of how Board members spread the word about the pledge drive in March.  Mike reiterated thoughts from last month's meeting where it was discussed whether or not to even continue the pledge drive.  Michon suggested that we continue the pledge and publicize it.  Julie O mentioned that some people prefer the pledge method of giving for the tax benefit.  Mike will update the pledge tracking Word document.  Lonnie suggested that once the form is updated, Lonnie will forward to the Board and members can sign up for meetings to attend to publicize. 


Dan will contact Susan to ask that it be included in the newsletter.  Julie O suggested that the pledge drive could wait until April after Lonnie has met with the church and potential improvements are suggested.  Mike mentioned that the current method of tracking pledges and assimilating to the monthly financial report has complexity.  Lonnie proposes that we switch the pledge drive to April.  Mike made s motion that we re-visit the issue in March.  Michon seconded. 


Michon asked for clarification on what we have decided to do, or not do, regarding the Wells Fargo Operating Reserve; if it will also be used in part for the capital improvements.


Summer Picnic - Board discussed potential dates and moving event from Sunday to Saturday this year.  Michon will check with Blackhawk Park and make the reservation for Saturday, July 18th.  Next month(s) we will discuss planning and organizing committee.


Gopher State Roundup - Julie O said that she will be receiving the hotel confirmation request. She will forward it to Mike.  No anticipated increase in room rental.  Julie mentioned that Brad has had particular expertise in coordinating the food; Lonnie will contact to see if he is still interested.  On the day of, someone will need to leave a credit card and a specific person needs to be designated to pick up the room key.


Motion to Close:

A motion to close the meeting was made by Rusty.  Lee seconded the motion and the motion passed.  The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 6:35pm.


Yours in service,

Martha D