March 2015 Minutes

i Wednesday April 22, 2015 by Web Admin



March 15, 2015



The meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer at 6:00pm.  Introductions were made and the Twelve Traditions were read by Susan H.


Board Members Present:  Lonnie L, Dan W, Martha D, Lee G, Mike F, Rusty S, Mary Jo C


Board Members Absent: Michon P, Mark L


Guests:  Brad C, Susan H


Secretary’s Report:  Martha reported that no proposed corrections or additions were suggested after Board Members received the draft February Board Meeting minutes last week.  Mary Jo  made a motion to accept the January Board Meeting minutes.  Lee seconded the motion and the motion passed. 


Treasurer’s Report: Mike reviewed the February 2015 Meeting Donation Summary, Profit & Loss Statement, and Balance Sheet.   The meeting donation summary appears as two separate sheets this month due to a Quickbooks snafu, but totals are accurately represented.  The Profit & Loss statement shows a larger negative income due to meeting donations being processed 3/2/15 instead of by end of February. Mary Jo made a motion to accept the February financial documents.  Dan seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Visitor Questions and Concerns:

Susan said she has tickets available for purchase for the Gopher State Roundup.


Squad Leader Reports:



Committee Reports:

Literature& Medallions (Mary Jo C):  Mary Jo obtained new materials at Intergroup.


Facilities Maintenance (Rusty S):  Rusty reported that he has no concerns.


Publications& Public Relations (Dan W):  Dan reported that a “Squad Leader News” tab was added to the Dakota Alano website after he, Susan, and webmaster Hilary S met.  Susan will put a notice about this in the newsletter. 


Supplies (Michon P): No report.


House Security (Lee G):  Lee reported that on March 3rd when he came to a meeting, the supply door was unlocked and open.  No evidence of any items missing.


Archives (Martha D): No report.  Mike provided Martha with flash drive of 2012-2014 financial statements.


Old Business:

April Pledge drive: Mike and Lonnie reviewed the document used last year and made slight modifications.  It will be sent this week to the Board as a whole for review, then Dan will have it printed for distribution.


April Squad Leaders Meeting: Martha will make flier for leaders’ mailboxes. Lonnie and Martha will make agenda for the meeting.


Gopher State: Mike reported that the room application has been completed and submitted. He will confirm it was rec’d and approved.  Brad said he will again coordinate the hospitality room food; likely will again be walking taco.  Brad said he will post information at the Alano. The donation basket will be passed a second time at meetings, per each individual group’s discretion. Brad indicated that he is comfortable using his credit card on the first day of Gopher State for the room deposit when he picks up the room key. 


Church meeting 3/18: Lonnie will be meeting with church officials to talk about any potential house improvements, mutual concerns, etc. Current lease runs 2.5 more years.  Lonnie suggests that if the Alano does improvements, we ask to extend lease to 5 years.


Summer Picnic: Michon via email indicated she will be reserving the park spot this this week. Lonnie will follow up with Michon.



New Business:

Hilary received an email via the website from an Adult Children’s of Alcoholics member asking if we could publicize (on the website) an Arizona ACOA event.  Board decided to decline this request and focus primarily on local events.


Motion to Close:

A motion to close the meeting was made by Rusty.  Mike seconded the motion and the motion passed.  The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 6:32pm.


Yours in service,

Martha D